IRINA Marchenkova


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Toronto, with its bustling energy and diverse culture, is a renter’s dream. But like every dream, the pursuit can be tricky. I’m here, along with insights from, to give you a detailed overview that’ll simplify your rental journey in this enchanting city. Let’s dive in!

Types of Toronto Rentals to Cherish ❤️

Apartment Buildings

These are often centralized, offering a mix of old-world charm and modern conveniences. Recently, there's a surge in dedicated rental building constructions, promising more options soon.


Beyond the conventional, many Toronto homes have been converted into rental spaces. These provide a cozy, neighborhood feel and occasionally come with perks like private outdoor space or parking.


Condos promise modernity. From high-rise views to gym facilities and close proximity to TTC transit, they cater to those seeking urban luxury.

The Path to Discovering Your Dream Toronto Rental ❤️

Online Resources

Websites like Craigslist and Kijiji are mainstream but do tread with caution. Platforms like, as mentioned on, reduce scam risks and provide quality listings.

Real Estate Agents

Having a REALTOR can be invaluable. Not only can they navigate the landscape expertly, but they can also provide insights into properties and neighborhoods, all while handling lease negotiations.

Perfect Timing is the Key ❤️

While some options might pop up sporadically, the majority of Toronto rentals list about two months prior to their availability. It's a game of anticipation!

Selling a house
steps to selling a house

Budgeting for Your Toronto Haven ❤️

The cost varies based on the type and location of the rental. Keep abreast of market rates. As of 2022, here's a rough breakdown:

• bachelor apartment: $1,935 ($1,950 in central Toronto) • 1-bedroom apartment: $2,368 ($2,395 in central Toronto) And so on...

Understanding the Ever-Changing Market ❤️

Toronto's rental market is dynamic, with vacancy rates at an all-time low, causing a surge in rental prices. It's crucial to be both vigilant and quick in decision-making.

Selling a house

The ABCs of Leases ❤️

Your lease is essentially your rental blueprint. It covers rent amount, lease duration, rules around pet ownership, and more. Post the 12-month period, many tenants transition to a 'month-to-month' agreement, giving them more freedom and flexibility.

Empower Yourself: Know Your Rights & Responsibilities ❤️

Stay informed. Whether it's understanding pet regulations, how rent increases work in Ontario, or the landlord's right to access, awareness is pivotal. Sites like often provide comprehensive information.

steps to selling a house

Being Rental-Ready: The Irina Checklist ❤️

Be Financially Prepared

Have your deposit (usually first and last month's rent) ready.

Collate Your References

This is your credibility ticket. Ensure they are reliable and easily reachable.

Showcase Stability with an Employment Confirmation

A letter confirming your current employment or financial viability is often a prerequisite.

Anticipate the Credit Check

Instead of waiting for landlords to ask, have your credit report ready. It portrays you as a proactive and sincere applicant.

Honesty is the Best Policy

Filling out applications transparently creates a foundation of trust, which can lead to a smoother renting experience.

For more about what you need before you are looking for a rental see my [Irina Rental Checklist]

Toronto, with its myriad of possibilities, awaits you. With attention to detail, patience, and a sprinkle of love from and yours truly, Irina Marchenkova, your dream space is just around the corner. Here’s to new beginnings in Toronto! ❤️

OREA Ontario Real Estate Association

Rental Application Form

Form 410 for use in the Province of Ontario